Beauty Sleep Spray with Magnesium & Lavender 薰衣草鎂容覺噴霧(100mL)

The Base Collective

  • $812.00
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我們都有那些日子。但是,有一種自然療法可以讓你完全「熄機」,進入深層睡眠。這支 Beauty Sleep Spray 主要成分鎂、薰衣草精油和有機洋甘菊提取物有助促進健康的睡眠模式,長久以來,世界各地的療法都會加入這些成份,以舒緩壓力、緩解緊張,令身心平靜。

The Base Collective舒爽輕盈的「鎂容覺」噴霧可輕鬆吸收,不會留下油膩的殘留物或堵塞毛孔。



  • 塗抹在你的皮膚上(不是你的枕頭!),療效最佳
  • 建立一個平靜的睡前儀式,以幫助放鬆
  • 舒緩和緩解緊繃、身體不適和肌肉緊張
  • 可改善皮膚的整體外觀和健康狀況


用在身體上,睡前 20 分鐘在胃部或腳部噴兩到三下,讓你一夜好眠。



我們非常自豪能夠採用可生物降解的瓶子。這些瓶子的外觀和觸感與一般瓶子無異,但在製造時添加了一種成分,讓它們在垃圾堆填場中分解 5-10 年,而不是 500 年!簡單沖洗並將瓶子放入你的普通日常垃圾箱中,然後將噴霧器放入回收箱中。



The Base Collective 提供的信息無意用作醫療建議,不應取代專業或醫療建議。如果您對自己的健康或醫療狀況有任何疑問,請始終尋求您的醫生或其他合格健康專家的指導。

You know that feeling when you're just too tired to function?

We all have those days. But what if we told you there was a way to switch off and get your best sleep yet with a natural remedy? One that contributes to a healthy sleep pattern with its hero ingredients - Magnesium, Lavender Essential Oil and Organic Chamomile Extract - which have been traditionally used in ancient therapies around the world to soothe stresses, relieve tension, and calm the body and mind.

Our comforting and lightweight Beauty Sleep Spray absorbs effortlessly without leaving a greasy residue or clogging pores.

Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and eczema-prone.

Proudly Australian made and owned | Vegan friendly and cruelty-free | Made from natural and organic ingredients excluding dairy and gluten


What makes the Beauty Sleep Spray with Magnesium & Lavender so special?

  • Applied to your skin (not your pillow!) for maximum benefit
  • Creates a calming bedtime routine to help relax and unwind
  • Soothes and relieves a tight, uncomfortable body and muscle tension
  • Contains numerous skin health properties to improve the overall appearance and health of the skin

 How to use:

Body: Apply two to three sprays to the stomach or feet 20 minutes before bedtime for a night of deeply restorative sleep.

Do not apply to broken skin. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Discontinue use if rash or irritation occurs.

How to dispose of our Biodegradable bottle?

We are super proud to have made the transition to Biodegradable bottles. The bottles look and feel the same but have been manufactured with an added ingredient which allows them to break down in landfill over 5-10 years as opposed to 500! Simple rinse and put the bottle in your NORMAL everyday bin and put the mister in the RECYCLE bin. 


Purified Water, Magnesium Chloride, Sugar Cane Ethanol, Lavender Essential Oil, Organic Chamomile Extract, Parfum (Natural Preservative), Organic Calendula Extract, Organic Lavender Extract.




The information provided by The Base Collective is not intended to be used as medical advice and should not take the place of professional or medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professionals with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition.