Breathe Deep, Seek Peace - winding down, letting go

Saskia's Flower Essences

  • $768.00
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🏆 Awarded Best Better Sleep Product by The Beauty Shortlist Awards 2020 and Bronze award in the Sleep Category of the Wellness From Within Awards 2024



用法: 需要時服,舌下七滴;初使用者一天兩至三次

This essence blend is great for taking after a long tiring day when you want to stop worrying, relax and unwind.

To gently but effectively change long standing patterns caused by stress, over-working and a hectic modern lifestyle this essence can be taken twice daily for several weeks. For less entrenched patterns use as and when needed.

East Water River - to let go and wash away all those old feelings
Bindweek - for untangling
Oak - stop and be still
Speedwell - slow down
Wild Garlic - universal support/letting go of fears
Red Chestnut - to stop worrying about others
White Chestnut- letting go of unwanted thoughts

Suggested Use:Place seven drops under the tongue when needed

Size: 30ml