Prosperity Aromatherapy Mist (50mL)

Prosperity Aromatherapy Mist (50mL)

Findhorn Flower Essences

  • $857.00
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成份: 水,西柚精油、香蜂草精油、佛手柑精油

花精: Bell Heather, Cabbage, Elder, Harebell, Laurel, Rose Alba and Sea Rocket. 用法:隨你需要,噴在空間或個人氣場中


It helps you to manifest your dreams and goals to attract greater prosperity and abundance into your life

Infusion of Flowers of: Bell Heather, Cabbage, Elder, Harebell, Laurel, Rose Alba and Sea Rocket.

Ingredients: Water, purest essential oils of Grapefruit, Melissa and Bergamot

Directions:Spray around the room or aura as often as you like