〖 PROTECTION 〗Shield of Light 光之盾牌

〖 PROTECTION 〗Shield of Light 光之盾牌

Living Tree Orchid Essences

  • $1,238.00
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這個花精主要作為抵抗黑暗能量的保護,可讓氣場變得如鏡子般的反射,讓能量不會穿透氣場,而是變形並反射回最高源頭。也可帶來勇氣,在環境遭遇重大挑戰時幫助人重建信心及樂觀。這個複方包括 12 種花精及精素,為前所未有複雜的複方。

備有口服滴瓶及兩款 100mL 空間噴霧。

藍瓶空間噴霧搭配精油 / 玫瑰、天竺葵、黑胡椒、薰衣草

黃瓶空間噴霧搭配精油/ 檸檬草、葡萄柚

Shield of Light is a major essence for protection against dark energies. It is formulated to enable the aura to become reflective like a mirror, so that such energies do not penetrate the aura, and are instead transmuted, and reflected away and up to highest Source. It also brings courage, and helps to restore confidence and optimism even when surrounded by great challenges.

This is the most complex combination we have ever created, and has 12 components: Light of the Soul; Orchid Metal Element; Defender from the Dark; Silver Ghost; Wingéd Messenger; Dragon Fire. (Light of the Soul is itself a combination which consists of the essences Unconditional Love; Celestial Triangle; Seeds from Time; and Kuan Yin Fluorite.) This combination was created by our colleague Dr. Adrian Brito-Babapulle, in response to a question put to us by our Distributor in Indonesia.