Angelic Star Pendant

Sacred Creation

  • $9,205.00
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  • One of our most Powerful Healing Instruments
  • Every piece is unique and has its own form of Consciousness which connects with you
  • Can help you to Heal emotional wounds and boost your Personal Growth
  • Can give you a feeling of finally Coming Home
  • Might induce a Healing Trance
  • Hand Polished
  • Perfect Meditation Tool and Spiritual Guidance
  • Bestseller
  • Is Pointy, pay attention while wearing
62mm x 62mm x 14 mm


連結天使能量的一件神聖幾何飾品,帶有温和而有力的陰性能量,幫助你連結天使、指導靈或其他形式的意識。Angelic Star 曾為不少人帶來療癒及成長,所以它不只是一個錬墜,也是一個療癒工具。
有人回饋,銀製的可以連到天使圈,14K金或鍍金可以連到 Lemurian Masters。

The Angelic Star is one of our most powerful healing instruments. Over the years, it has provided many remarkable healings and personal growth to so many people. We had cases that people went in complete healing trances upon touching the pendant. Others had the feeling of finally coming home. The Angelic Star even appeared in dreams of people, showing itself even before the person knew about its existence.

You might ask yourself, how is that all possible? To be honest, we don’t know exactly either. But it happens anyway. What we do know, is that every Angelic Star has its own form of consciousness. A consciousness so strong, that it brings itself on the path of people who need it the most. In mysterious ways.
Some people can communicate with this consciousness. Others can feel its presence. In any case, it will help and guide you in many ways.

So if you feel a strong connection, or you feel really drawn to it, you can be sure this instrument is meant for you!
Are you a healer yourself? Then this pendant is a beautiful extension of your healing energies! The Angelic Star helps you to amplify your healing energies and intentions.

The Geometry of the Angelic Star

So where does this sacred geometry come from? In short, it is derived from our newly discovered sacred geometry. Sacred geometry as never seen before. Some have called it the sacred geometry of the new age, or the new earth.
We’ve discovered it by “playing” with the Ancient Flower of Life. Not with its 2D shape, but with its 3D shape. With spheres instead of circles.
As a result, we’ve discovered it by accident. But the geometry we’ve found, was 2D again. It took us a while to fully understand how to translate it to a 3D model. But in the end, we’ve managed to create one of the most powerful healing instruments. The Angelic Star.

Does matter matter?

The choice of material influences the frequency of our instruments.
One material is no better or worse than the other, just a matter of “taste”. But we’ve discovered something remarkable with the Angelic Star in different materials. The Angelic Star in Sterling silver has a strong connection with the Angelic Realms. But the material gold has, in this case, a strong connection with the Lemurian Masters.