Metatron Cube Pendant

Sacred Creation

  • $1,675.00
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  • Means Beyond the Matrix of our Reality in Ancient Greek
  • Connected to all Chakras and Elements
  • Can help healing blocked Chakras
  • Powerful tool to reshape your Reality
  • Contains all Platonic Solids
  • Brand Bestseller


S- 14mm x 14mm x 14mm

L-  20mm x 20mm x 20mm ( only come in Raw Brass) 


Raw Brass, Rose Gold Plated Brass, 925 Sterling Silver

Wax cord and jewellery box included


Metatron 是一個複雜的神聖幾何物件,可以追溯至生命之花。這個形紋以大天使 Metatron 的名字命名,他負責所有的創造,在猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教中都有出現。希臘語中的 Meta 表示 Beyond,Tron 表示 Matrix,所以這意味著現實迷陣的超越。

Metatron 立方體和生命之花的起源可以追溯至幾個世紀。柏拉圖固體( Platonic Solids) 這種神聖的幾何形狀長期保密的原因是因為它含有全部五個柏拉圖固體 : 立方體,四面體,八面體,十二面體和二十面體。這些固體包含了所有可能的分子連接,包含了我們所生活的這個現實和宇宙所有可能的幾何定律。它是 Prima Materia 的秘密鑰匙,形成、並成為宇宙間所有物質的基礎。

Metatron Cube, or Metatron’s Cube is a complex sacred geometric object. This object is derived from the centuries old “Flower of Life”.

The shape is named after the archangel Metatron. He is responsible for all the creations and makes his appearance in Judaism, Christianity and the Islam.

The name Metatron comes from the Greek words Meta and Tron. In Greek, Meta means “Beyond” and Tron means “Matrix”. In short, this means beyond the matrix of our reality.

Flower of Life and Metatron Cube

Since Metatron Cube is derived from the Flower of Life, they’re most likely equally old. Nobody actually really knows.

What we do know is that the origin of the Flower of Life goes back centuries, maybe eons. The reason why the Flower of Life is so important is because of the underlying structure. This structure is hidden. But once revealed, all the secrets will open up like a flower.

The first hidden structure is called the Vesica Piscis and the Fruit of Life. The structure underneath the Fruit of Life, is Metatron Cube.

So what is the Flower of Life? The Flower of Life is a geometrical shape composed of overlapping circles. These circles are evenly-spaced.
The edge of each circle lays on the center of the other circle. This creates a beautiful flower like pattern.
This pattern is, in sacred geometry, very important. Since it holds so many secrets. For example, Metatron Cube, the Platonic Solids, the Golden Ratio, the Binary Sequence and many more. But these secrets are all hidden inside this pattern.

The Flower of Life is found in manuscripts, temples and art throughout the entire world. It is known for centuries by many different cultures, even the Ancient Egyptians. 

Platonic Solids

The reason why this sacred geometric form is kept secret for a long period, is because it contains all 5 platonic solids. 
In short, the platonic solids are the building blocks of all our matter. They’re the most primitive shapes known as the cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and the icosahedron.

The platonic solids were first described by the philosopher Plate(hence the name) around 400 BC.
But remarkably, these exceptional forms are excavated all over the world and are thousands of years older than Plato.

The reason why they’re the building blocks of our matter, is because they contain every possible molecular connection. But they also contain all possible geometric laws of this reality and universe we live in. It’s the secret key to Prima Materia; the primitive, shapeless base of all matter which got shaped and became the universe. In other words, based upon those shapes, any other shape can be formed. On a molecular and atomic level, but on a Universal level as well.