Palo Santo Aromatherapy Rollerball Catharstick 聖木滾珠香水 (10mL)
我們最受歡迎的標誌性香味,男女皆宜,讓你在繁忙中瞬間恢復平靜。 體積小、能量強、芳香持久。可用於頸後或任何緊張部位,也適用於治療頭痛,用於太陽穴。 全天然,精心調配、手工製作。注入我們招牌的聖木精華精華,滾珠香水方便攜帶,讓你隨時隨地為自己一新氣息,享受聖木淨化及鎮靜的療癒效果。
Our widely popular signature scent with unisex appeal!
Use generally to bring a sense of calm to your day.
Small, powerful, and long-lasting.
Can be used on the back of the neck or wherever there is tension.
Use on temples for headaches.
All-natural, carefully balanced & hand-blended. Lovingly crafted by infusing pure Palo Santo wood essence and our signature Palo Santo oil blend to create an intense travel-friendly fragrance, leaving you invigorated and feeling fresh.
Palo Santo compounds are known for their calming and cleansing properties, and the scent is highly emotive and mood-boosting.
Directions: Roll on pressure points or anywhere that would benefit from the healing properties and soothing scent of magical Palo Santo essential oil.