〖 PROTECTION 〗Defend, Protect & Purify 防禦、保護與淨化

〖 PROTECTION 〗Defend, Protect & Purify 防禦、保護與淨化

Living Tree Orchid Essences

  • $1,246.00
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由 Defender from the Dark, Protective Presence 及 Joyous Purification 組成的複方。

Protective Presence 最鮮明的特質,跟悠久且象徵意味濃厚的中國歷代守護聖靈、或西藏繪畫中的「怒目金剛」有共同特色。而 Defender from the Dark 花精則讓上述的能量更可以臻至完美且更可以發揮功效。這兩種蘭花都展現出強烈的專注,可避開惡意的影響。 


DPP 複方還可幫助我們淨化也許已經附著在以太體 (etheric body) 上、低層次的人、事、物,特別是從 2010 年 8 月 14 日之後 Defender from the Dark 花精製造出來的期間。特別可用來檢測第一與第二脈輪。





This essence helps to cleanse the etheric body of low-level entities which may have attached themselves to one, especially since the period of August 2010 which gave rise to the creation of the Defender from the Dark essence.

The essence can be usefully applied topically, as well as taken orally.

Contains: Joyful Purification, Defender from the Dark, Protective Presence.