Find Your Flow Oracle Cards

GAIA Holistic Living

  • $1,593.00
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Flow is the state where your mind is clear, calm and content. Equally, your physical life reflects that peace within. It feels like everything is going right. 

Find Your Flow Oracle Cards will gently guide you back into your Flow and towards a more intuitive state of being. As you embrace Flow, you enter an effortless stream of creation... where love and positivity circulates through all of your relationships, work and way of living. You find balance and you feel connected to your mind, body and soul. You feel euphoric and miracles happen all around you. Even when you go through ebbs and flows, this state allows you to steadily navigate any hardships you may face. 

There are 44 hand drawn and fully illustrated cards with a word of intention on each, and a guidebook contains the readings for each card. They also include affirmations, journal prompts and activities to help you embody each card into your life and Find Your Flow. 

About the author Maddy: 

Maddy is an intuitive and spiritual artist where her creations are inspired by our deep connection to nature. By combining her drawings, paintings and photography she creates unique and mesmerising artworks that inspires us to reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. Themes of self-love, mindfulness, diversity and one-ness with all life on earth are expressed magically throughout her artworks. 

Maddy is also a marine scientist and a passionate advocate for environmental conservation. Growing up in Gold Coast, Australia surfing, diving and hiking has majorly influenced her art and love for the Earth.

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店長介紹文 💁‍♀️
Flow 是身心靈友很常用的字,但很少人真的懂它。
譬如說,有一支 Findhorn 花精 Go With the Flow,什麼時候大家會想起它呢?通常是「無奈面對」、「不得不接受」、「沒什麼可以做了,唯有放手吧」,例如公司大地震、人際關係陷入僵局等等 scenario,夾雜逆來順受、心有不甘、退而求其次,Go With the Flow 被當成是釋懷、放下執著的 strategy。
flow 順流當成「對策」 strategy,可以;但 flow 其實也可以是一種智慧、心態( state of mind),從根本上以順流的心態去面對人生,會比較容易觀察到過程中的細緻變化、事情的結果以及人生的質感有可能會很不同。
發現到這副 Find Your Flow Oracle Cards 時,我超開心,終於有一副可以跟大家去了解 flow、體驗 flow 的牌了。
So what is flow? 作者在官方介紹中這樣寫 " Flow is the state where your mind is clear, calm and content. Equally, your physical life reflects that peace within. It feels like everything is going right."
為什麼強調 flow,因為它允許一切的自然流露,你會體會到不費吹呼之力的創造, " As you embrace flow, you enter an effortless stream of creation...where love and positivity circulates through all of your relationships, work and way of living..... even when you go through ebbs and flows, this state allows you to steadily navigate any hardships you may face. "
大家揭著這副 44 張的 Oracle Cards,會看到各式妸娜多姿的女性圖象,在在提醒大家,flow is actually part of feminine energy。像昨天三八婦女節提倡的 woman's power,反而是一種「陽性能量」,真正的「陰性能量」是順流、接受性。
這副 44 張的牌我覺得特別適合一些,活得很「陽性」,很慣於「用死力」、「拼命幹」的朋友,假如你常常都覺得花了很多很多氣力,還是都是得不到自己想要的,也許你需要的,不是 pay more effort,而是 try an effortless approach,發現自己的陰性能量,相信 flow、並允許 flow 去代你創造。

PS. 想要將這個課題體會得更深入,可以考慮搭配富士山花精陰性與陽性使用哦!