Living Life Lightly

Living Life Lightly

Saskia's Flower Essences

  • $771.00
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🏆 Awarded Best Product for Better Mood by The Beauty Shortlist Well-being Awards 202




用法: 需要時服,舌下七滴;初使用者一天兩至三次

This essence blend is for those times when life feels dreary and joyless, when everything feels heavy and difficult and you are lacking interest in anything at all.

It is designed to bring in the light, to lift you up, to bring you back to a place where there is joy in the little things, to feel playful and full of love for those around you and for life in general.

In today’s turbulent times where so much feels difficult and uncertain it is hard to come from a place of love and joy, to not feel burdened by everything that’s happening in the world. After the last few years many of us are longing to feel light and free. This essence can help with bringing us to a place where our spirits feel lighter and more able to fly unrestrained into the future.


Edelweiss – opening to all that is, creating a new reality

Wild Rose – coming back to your heart

Harewell – realignment

Cowslip – joyful playfulness

Dandelion Seed – releasing expectations

Willow – moving forward with grace

East Water River – being in the flow

Size: 30ml

Suggest Use: Place seven drops under the tongue when needed


店長介紹文 💁‍♀️

Saskia's Flower Essences 做了一支新複方,作為她對 Post- COVID 集體情緒的回應,Saskia 每支複方都構思得非常到位,知道她有新 blend,一早擔定櫈仔想第一時間知道,神心到天天按 IG 來看,人家不說不追問是我的温柔。
Living Life Lightly!

有留意這裡的朋友應該都知道,有一支 Findhorn 複方 Light Being 我很愛介紹,蘭花花精也有一支異曲同工的 Laughing Butterflies – 因為很多時候,當你以為事情來到谷底、懷疑自己四面楚歌、心想是否要來一支 Transformation / Transmutation 或是拜什麼什麼來轉運的時候,有可能是你把事情看太認真太用力了,也許難關並沒有那麼難,只差一個轉念。

所以當我看見 Saskia 把 Living Life Lightly 開出來,我就發現,果然做/賣花精看事情的角度都很相似嘛~

Living Light 已經成為花精界繼「保護」、「豐盛」、「淨化」、「急救」後一大共同主題了嗎?

來看 Living Life Lightly 的成份:它裡面有 7 種單方,其中 Wild Rose 和 Willow 巴哈花精也有,也是我近兩年替客人做諮詢時經常開出去的,針對對生活充滿無力感、甚至活得有一點麻木的朋友,幫助重燃對生活的興趣、發現小確幸;Harewell 讓人跟自己生命之旅「對齊」(aligned) ;Cowslip 讓人重新享受生命;East Water River 不是花,是來自一條河,讓人臣服於生命之流; Dandeliion Seed 幫助人放下對事情的期待 – 的確我從不少客人身上都看見「太需要事情跟著劇本走」這個特質,這種執著在這個時勢,容易覺得活得特別挫敗。

最後還有 Edelweiss -- Edelweiss 有一點特別,這是 Saskia 最新研發的單方,主題是 " I open to all that is “ ,她形容是 an essence for expansion,脫離純粹的生存模式,帶著覺知開創新局。

Saskia 跟我說 Living Life Lightly 已經旋即成為 bestseller,英國客人反應熱烈,有個說自己本來是 actual mess、工作過勞、晚晚飲泣、壓力大到無法上班⋯⋯用了 Living Life Lightly " My life hasn’t changed, but the way I’m feeling has… this blend gave me permission to do everything I need to feel ok/ better… I’m back at work & finding myself feeling happier in my role " --- 經常有花精客人跟我分享類似的心得:工作還是一樣多、老闆和同事還是一樣可惡,但不知怎的自己沒有那麼困擾了、心情就是變好了。

有一個說 Lightly 真是最佳提醒,"It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them."

Lightly child, lightly。願你活得輕盈、活出光明。