Medicina de flores - Ritual Spirit Cleanser (100mL)

PureHeart Alchemy

  • $1,840.00
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Medicina de flores 全手工調配,由 精油、母酊、花精及精華混合的獨特配方,幫助清除你能量場中的負能量;協助「情緒重啟」、釋放壓力、讓身體接地、進入深度臨在的狀態。

這支「神仙水」蘊含包括 88 種花、草藥、樹脂和根部精華,選取藥用植物的療癒特性,再精心提煉而成,旨在提升你的精神、專注和清晰度。


Medicina de flores 是一瓶花之饗宴,具有提升、淨化清新及釋放的功效。我們從地球母親各個角落收集這些元素完成這項細緻的創作,為你的心賦予力量。


  • 來自六大洲、共 88 種藥用花卉精華,用於擴展意識和釋放氣場阻塞
  • 在有機伏特加之中浸泡 3 年以上的Master Plant Flower 母酊,與所有土地和文化產生能量連結
  • 來自世界各地的儀式和野生水,支持我們與地球母親和部落社區產生深厚聯繫
  • 精油:佛手柑(提神醒腦) 、 玫瑰(打開心扉 )、 葡萄柚(淨化) 、 岩蘭草(強化力量 )、 羅勒(淨化) 、肉桂(覺醒)、 丁香(驅散)
  • 黃花菸草及黑碧璽精素,提供保護作用

圖騰 喜鵲,光與影的統一者

氣味 清新花香,尾調深沉、辛辣


在個人儀式或典禮之前,以植物能量連結你的心、你的意圖。將幾滴倒入左手(陰性/接收手)並互相摩擦。拍手 3 次,喚醒植物能量及清理氣場。將手掌帶到臉部,深呼吸,然後圍繞頭部和身體,穿過能量場。這樣做 3 次。然後雙手放在心上作完成。

PureHeart Alchemy 創作筆記

我們❤️每天起床時使用 Medicina de flores 作為早晨儀式,讓我們的一天感覺乾淨、連結和清晰。

成分 [100% 有機認證*]  

愛、有機伏特加*、母酊劑*、生物動力花精*、精油*、野生泉水、禮儀泉水、寶石精華、24K 金 Ormus。

* 母酊劑









* 注意:懷孕期間應謹慎使用 - 使用精油前請諮詢你的健康顧問

 Medicina de flores is a hand-crafted blend of Essential Oils, Tinctures and Essences designed to clear your field from negative energies. It serves as an 'emotional reboot' to release stress, ground the body and induce a state of deep presence. 

This magical potion features 88 flowers, herbs, resins and roots. Medicina de flores is an Alchemical infusion of medicinal plants, specifically chosen for their healing properties, designed to elevate your spirit for greater focus and clarity. 

This rich distillation of flowers, consciously cultivated for their broad array of energetic properties, follows in the shamanic tradition of purifying with plants. The powerful and sensual aroma opens you on multiple levels for advanced spiritual awareness.

Medicina de flores is a sensual bouquet of flowers to uplift, refresh and release. Collected from all corners of Mother Earth, this delicate creation holds the power to bring you home to your heart.  

Key Ingredients 

  • 88 Medicinal Flowers Essences from all 6 continents, for expansion of consciousness and releasing blocks in Aura

  • Master Plant Flower tinctured over 3 years in Organic Vodka for energetic connection to all lands and cultures

  • Ceremonial & WIld Waters from all over the world, to support deep connection with Mother Earth and our tribal community

  • Essential Oils ~ Bergamot Oil for energising ~ Rose Oil for heart opening ~  Grapefruit Oil for clearing ~ Vetiver for strengthening - Basil for clarifying ~ Cinnamon for awakening ~ Clove Oil for dispersing

  • Mapacho & Black Tourmaline Essences for protection

Totem  ~ Magpie, unifyer of shadow and light

Scent ~ delicious fresh and floral, with deep, spicy end note

Use ~ for personal ritual and ceremonial preparation. Connect to your heart, your intention and to the plants. Pour a few drops into left (feminine/receiving) hand and rub hands together. Clap hands together 3 times to awaken the energy of the plants and clear Auric field. Draw palms towards face, breathing in deeply, and then around head and over body, through energy field. Do this 3 times and finish with hands on heart.  

We ❤️  to use Medicina de flores on arising every day as our morning ritual to set our day feeling clear, connected and with clarity. 

INGREDIENTS [ 100% Certified Organic* ] ~ 

Love, Organic Vodka*, Flower Tinctures*, Biodynamic Flower Essences*, Essential Oils*, Wild Spring Waters, Ceremonial Spring Water, Gemstone Essences, 24K Gold Ormus. 

* Flower Tinctures
Queen of the Night, Cactus Flower, Crucifix Orchid, Periwinkle, Leonotis, White Sage, Passionflower, Apothecary Rose, Violet, Nasturtium, Borage, Comfrey, and more...

* Flower Essences
Snake Vine, Button Cactus, Horova, Cactus, Apothecary Rose, Mapacho, Acacia, Mimosa, Passionflower, Red Lotus, Blue Lily, Datura, California Poppy and more...

* Essential Oils
Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Rose, Spruce, Honey Myrtle, Pepper, Palo Santo, Grapefruit, Rose Otto, Vetiver, Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Neroli, Basil 

* Gem Essences
Shungite, Moldavite and Black Tourmaline


* NOTE: Caution should be used during pregnancy - please seek advice from your health professional before use of flower essences and essential oils


店長介紹文 💁‍♀️

這支 Medicina de flores Ritual Spirit Cleanser,怎說呢,一開始我是不打算引進的。

理由是,不便宜。PureHeart Alchemy 在小店的花精目錄中算是高價品了(當然,它值),Ritual Spirit Cleanser 的定價在它的噴霧之上,我不肯定客人們對這個價位的花精產品是否有興趣。 **花精療法 affordable 是大原則之一**

但是 PHA 那邊對推介這支 Ritual Spirit Cleaner 很熱心,第一次進貨,隨單送我一支,加一疊 Brochures。每次 email 通訊,都會提我有這個東西。

如是者過了大半年,PHA 在小店上架了,反應非常之好,我補貨再補貨,還試了一些別的產品,也未曾想起它。



換之前把 Cleanser 塗上手,嗯,味道我喜歡。拍幾下,馬上有一種輕盈明亮感,feeling of good energy。

換床單一向是我最怕的家務,我做得很差 。但那個打風的下午,我忽然覺得和我眼前的床單很有 connection,我知道這個形容有點搞笑,但整個過程感覺前所未有地良好,我張床鋪得前所未有地漂亮。完成那一刻,窗外風大雨大,我張床 bling bling 發亮 What a magical 鋪床!

那一刻我也確認,喂呢支嘢好勁喎,要入喎,沒錯小店的淨化類產品也夠多的了,但 Medicina de flores Ritual Spirit Cleanser 有它的神妙之處, just another level!

而且誰生活中沒有一些儀式時刻想要特別的「能量加持」? 這一支絕對有需要它的人,尤其是手作人士,作品的能量品質應該會很不同。

雖然以上已經又幾百字了,還是要快快聊一聊它的特別之處;如果說 PHA 的花精噴霧每一支都是足料豐盛的佛跳牆,Medicina de flores Ritual Spirit Cleanser 應該就是十全大補酒,成分包括由 PHA 親自挑選、以生物動力法培植的 88 種植物花精、精油、寶石精素,混合於「三年陳」植物母酊中製作而成 – 嗯,它只是在小店來說單價高,但以成分及心機來說,根本是 CP 值之王啦!