

Findhorn Flower Essences

  • $771.00
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yes 吸引豐盛和富饒進入生命

yes 相信自己,達成目標

yes 保持積極意圖,塑造未來




用法: 每天3次,每次7滴,滴於舌下。一瓶可用3-4周



Manifest your dreams and goals – succeed and prosper

yes  attract greater prosperity and abundance into your life

yes  believe in yourself and achieve your goals

yes  shape your future by the positive intentions you hold

  feeling a lack of abundance and self-fulfilment

  self-limiting beliefs and insecurities

  stressed and worried about your financial position

Dose directions: 7 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day. Each bottle lasts for 3 to 4 weeks.

Prosperity is made by combining flower essences of

Bell Heather - faith, trust and confidence

Cabbage - motivation and power to achieve your goals

Elder - stimulate the power of dynamism and enthusiasm

Harebell - self-reliant and secure in yourself 

Laurel - get organized to help bring your ideas into action

Rose Alba - creative power guided by intuition

Sea Rocket - adapt to change, succeed and flourish