Rebel Deck - So Fresh. So Clean. edition

GAIA Holistic Living

  • $901.00
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延續 Rebel Deck 一貫風格,So Fresh. So Clean. edition 簡單直接,但減去辛辣及成人用語。

全副牌 112 張卡,作者創作時以青少年為對象,但任何人都可以使用。

Inspired by the Original Rebel Deck, the So Fresh. So Clean. edition has our signature simple + direct vibe but without harsh words. This deck has a fresh mouth, but clean messages.

Deck contains 112 cards and is written for ages 13 and up. It’s perfect for anyone with a strong heart but sensitive ears. 

Shuffle, pick a card, and get dragged! See what life wants YOU to know right now!

  • 112 cards
  • One-sided for easy use
  • No adult words (like the Original, and Couples Decks)
  • Written with Teens in mind, but anyone can use
  • Real + Raw Messages
  • Includes 1 Welcome/ Resource Card, 1 Instruction Card, 110 message cards
  • Poker Size cards- 2 5/8 x 3 5/8 x 1 3/8- for smaller hands
  • Card Stock is 310gsm Casino
  • Smooth Aqueous coating for a nice slip
  • Shrinkwrapped Matte Tuck Box
  • Can be used with other oracle, affirmation and tarot decks
  • Portion of sales will be donated to support teen organizations.

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店長介紹文 💁‍♀️
嘴賤而心善的 Rebel Deck,是小店相當長青的一副牌,2020 年 8 月開賣以來,不同時候都會出現新的支持者,更有客人問我,喂真係好鍾意呢隻 style,有冇多啲類似㗎?!!
好彩的是,mean 精 keep 住有創作㗎!最近 Rebel Deck 就帶嚟新作品 So Fresh. So Clean. edition,延續其直接抵死不轉彎抺角風格,但 cut 曬 F word S word。點解要從良呢,原來作者 Shannon 創作呢副牌嘅時候,一心諗住以青少年為目標,所以自覺「戒口」,令副牌更入屋、 更合家歡、更家長 approved – 可能家長本人更需要得到呢副牌嘅建議,who knows?
雖說是心繫青少年,大人們唔需要覺得副牌同自己無關係,因為首先而家好多成年人的問題其實都好中二嘿嘿嘿, 第二是,有力、到位的 quick advice,冇人嫌多,大家可以當 Rebel Deck - So Fresh. So Clean. edition 係一副冬蔭功味嘅心靈雞湯,少少辣,好味,骨子裡係有益,滋補。