Tantric Rose ~ Merging our Sacred Sanctum with Purity [ INTIMACY | 親密 ]

PureHeart Alchemy

  • $1,548.00
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Tantric Rose 是裝在瓶子裡的巧克力之吻!它打開愛的通道,讓我們沐浴在微妙感性與感官的新體驗之中。這種巧克力芳香帶動母親形態與父親意識的譚崔融合,提升親密感。 Tantric Rose 鼓勵人與人之間的對話,不管是浪漫邂逅,或簡單地展開自愛親密關係,這都是一支絕妙的催化劑。

指導屬性 親密

- 女性和男性意識之間的橋樑

- 加深自然而純粹親密結合

- 在非二元、合一的空間中覺醒

- 在自由、自然、圓滿的中全然放鬆

- 表達我們內在大鍵琴的心靈狂喜

圖騰 火蛇🐍

  • 原始生命力
  • 更新和直覺
  • 成就愛的和諧

香氣 巧克力玫瑰的放縱,鼓勵我們探索神聖和感性的語言,並帶有柔滑的雲呢拿餘韻。愛在一瓶子裡!

PureHeart Alchemy 創作筆記

「我們 ❤️ Tantric Rose的巧克力玫瑰香吻!我們會噴灑在房間中,營造一種放縱的香氣……或在頭頂噴灑,締造瞬間的心跳浪漫!

我們 ❤️ 用它來解巧克力的渴⋯⋯尤其當我們出現甜食癮又不想沉迷於甜食時 – 要知道人類 70% 的味蕾都在鼻子裡,這對滿足「可可癮」非常有效。」


愛、野生泉水、生物動力花卉和寶石精華、有機伏特加、有機增溶劑(椰子和杏仁)、精油、24K 單原子金、強化水晶






* 注意:懷孕期間應謹慎使用 - 使用精油前請諮詢你的健康顧問

Tantric Rose is a chocolate love kiss in a bottle! It opens the Love Channels, and bathes us in new experiences of subtle sensitivities and sensations. This chocolate aromatic scent channels the Tantric marriage of Mother-form and Father-consciousness and merges energies with an enhanced intimacy. Tantric Rose encourages dialogue with others and is a beautiful myst for a romantic encounter with another or simply connecting deeper within one's own intimacy of self love. 


  • Bridging between female and male flowering Consciousness
  • Deepening the flame-union of natural pure intimacy
  • Arousal in the expansive space of non-Dualistic Oneness
  • Relaxes oneself into the freedom borne of natural, circular fullness
  • Expresses the Heart-Mind ecstasy of our inner harpsichord  


  • Primordial life force
  • Renewal and intuition
  • Achievement of loving harmony 

SCENT ~ a chocolate-Rose indulgence encouraging us to explore the language of the Sacred - and the sensual - with a smooth vanilla afterglow. Love in a bottle!

A note from PureHeart Alchemy

"We ❤️ the chocolate-rose Bliss-Kiss that is Tantric Rose. We spray a room to create an aroma of indulgence... or overhead for an instant romantic mistletoe-moment!

We ❤️ it as a chocolate hit... to help resist those cravings when we'd rather not indulge in the sweet stuff. With 70% of our taste buds in our nose, this works surprisingly well to satisfy the cacao-crave. "


Love, Wild Spring Water, Biodynamic Flower and Gemstone Essences, Organic Vodka, Organic Solubiliser (Coconut and Almond), Essential Oils, 24K Gold Ormus, Potentiated Crystals

Flower Essences
Passionflower ~ Apothecary Rose ~ Fringed Lily ~ Sage 

Essential Oils
Myrrh ~ Rose ~ Hyssop ~ Chocolate ~ Frankincense ~ Patchouli ~ Neroli


* NOTE: Caution should be used during pregnancy - please seek advice from your health professional before use of essential oils