Way of the Panda Tarot: Wonder Edition

GAIA Holistic Living

  • $2,011.00
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一套「熊貓視角」的偉特塔羅,帶你走魔幻現實的熊貓世界,以熊貓角度詮釋人生,了解塔羅的奧義,包括 78 張塔羅牌,附有 84 頁迷你說明書,適合新手學習塔羅,加入關鍵字," Panda Quotes "  及 “ Panda Messages " 及 牌陣介紹。

7cm x 12 cm,350gsm 高質量卡紙,光滑啞面印刷。

全新第 3 版取名 Wonder Edition,特別加入:

- 5 張 Bonus Card:Dream Space, Imagination Station, Caffeinated Panda, Stargazing Panda & Witchy Panda,聯想力大爆發

- 盒面新增一層 SPOT UV,搭配閃亮的蝴蝶和竹葉設計,提升收藏價值

*Way of the Panda Tarot is COMING BACK ! The new WONDER EDITION will feature revamped deck box design, new SPOT UV details on the cover, new sections in the guidebook, new panda-themed spreads, and FIVE bonus cards instead of ONE (Dream Space, Imagination Station, Caffeinated Panda, Stargazing Panda & Witchy Panda) 


Get ready for cuteness overload and pandas, pandas, PANDAS! The Way of the Panda Tarot has a sweet, playful and affectionate personality, and it volunteers to be your favourite give-you-a-hug deck! When you're feeling like nothing is working out or Mercury is merciless retrograding - the pandas will be there to brighten up your day with their silly antics. You probably know this already, but the pandas looove to play - and they are more than excited to hang out with you and your Inner Child on a tarot fun-date!

Gentle, warm but definitely honest, you can count on the pandas to tell you the truth - but being pandas, they can't help but give you a hug afterwards. You can be vulnerable with this deck, and trust the pandas to comfort you on a rainy day and adore you with their precious eyes. (Just look at that face!! Ugh💖🥺)The pandas want you to know that you're enough, and lovely just as you are...and whoever disagrees can get panda-pawed in the face! (Uh-oh, the pandas are getting riled up - let's move on to the guidebook!) 


Way of the Panda Tarot is a beginner-friendly deck with no complex esoteric symbolism and is highly suited to intuitive & emotive readers. When unsure, you can brush up on tarot basics and look up relevant keywords for each card with the 84-paged mini guidebook that comes with every deck! To guarantee a truly panda-tastic reading, combine the panda messages found on each card's entry and the exclusive panda-themed spreads in the book to power through life, panda-style!