Protective Presence 保護現前

Living Tree Orchid Essences

  • $188.00
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備有 15mL 滴瓶。

(Dendrobium spectabile)  

This essence is good for people who are travelling to places where personal safety is challenged. Useful in times of major change (such as moving house or career changes) to provide continuity and protection. It helps one to re-connect with inner strength. This orchid bears a resemblance to the protective "wrathful deities" of Tibetan Buddhism with the sense that a spiritual presence says "I go before you". Can aid in discovering that actual protection comes from realising the true nature of Being, which we find deep within.

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店長介紹文 💁‍♀️

Protective Presence 與 Psychic Protection 的保護不同的是,如果說後者是阻隔負能量的「能量雨傘」,前者就比較符合意義上的「旅遊御守」;用 trip 來分辨,一般三五七天食買玩觀光為主的行程,用 Psychic Protection 就夠;如果去亞馬遜冒險、working holiday、或者預見會有一點安全疑慮的旅行,就可以加上 Protective Presence 作為額外的護法。