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About Findhorn Flower Essences

Findhorn Flower Essences is a small, well established and award winning business with over 20 years experience in the production of self-help flower remedies. Our essences are lovingly made by hand according to the methods of Dr. Edward Bach here in the north of Scotland, an area of outstanding natural beauty. We use only the finest natural and organic ingredients.

Flower essences are recognised worldwide as effective self-help remedies. They work on the subtle levels of the mind and emotions, giving support in times of stress and anxiety by helping to balance your emotional state of mind, often caused by the pressures of today’s busy lifestyle. By positively transforming your mood and your energies, you may experience an overall sense of wellbeing.

Each drop bottle contains 30mL. Oral spray contains 25mL. 

To understand the differences between drop bottles and oral sprays, please read this blog: 滴的花精和噴的花精有什麼不同