Solar Gold ~ Building Willpower with our Sacred Centre [ EMPOWERMENT | 賦能](NEW!)
吸入覺醒太陽的色彩,Solar Gold 是瓶中的陽光,贈予我們太陽神經叢的溫暖和能量。它清除指責程式和限制性信念模式,喚回自我責任感和內在秩序。它鼓勵我們在實現夢想的道路上有更多彈性,同時解鎖永恒智慧。
指導屬性 賦權
- 去除障礙並增強個人獨特自我表達的能力
- 建立你太陽神經叢的意志力,與內心感受保持一致。
- 清晰心智存在,與你內心太陽的火元素相協調
- 金盞花(Calendula) 激發開放的心態和對生活方向的信任
- Button Cactus 加強個人誠信;與更高的內部權威對齊
- 向日葵(Sunflower) 平衡太陽神經叢的能量;增強信心和勇氣
- Water Poppy 激活直覺中心;增強想象力
- 蜂蜜香桃木(Honey Myrtle)提振、安撫和促進快樂;安撫兒童;幫助專注和清晰焦點
圖騰 蜜蜂🐝
- 象徵愛、皇權與力量
- 內在成長與精神擴展
- 家庭團結和諧的紐帶
香氣 溫暖的柑橘類香氣幫助我們下載太陽天體輝煌的代碼……這支噴霧是「瓶中的陽光」
PureHeart Alchemy 創作筆記
「我們❤️在天氣寒冷或陰雲密布時使用 Solar Gold⋯⋯這真的感覺像陽光的爆發!當感到低落或經歷漫長的冬天時,這支噴霧為我們的能量場帶來光明——還有夏天的香氣。嗡嗡的蜜蜂味!
我們❤️在內心之火感到枯竭或低落時使用這支噴霧。Solar Gold 直接將我們與太陽的能量重新聯繫,是重建意志力、力量和我們腹中神聖之火的完美噴霧。」
愛,野生泉水,有機花和寶石精華,有機伏特加,有機溶解劑(椰子和杏仁),精油,24K Gold Ormus,強效水晶
Water Poppy、向日葵、金盞花、Button Cactus
依蘭依蘭 ~ 蜂蜜香桃木 ~ 血橙 ~ 雲呢拿 ~ 雪松 ~ 雲杉 ~ 乳香 ~ 芳樟
* 注意:懷孕期間應謹慎使用,使用精油前請諮詢你的健康顧問
Breathing in the colour of the Awakening Sun, Solar Gold is sunshine in a bottle, gifting us with the warmth and energy of our Solar centre. It clears blame programs and restricting belief patterns, while restoring Self-responsibility and internal order. It encourages us to vary our approaches to the path of our dreams whilst piercing the veils of eternal knowing.
- Removes blocks and aids in powering up one’s unique Self-expression
- Builds Willpower of your individual Sol centre to be in congruence with your feelings.
- Clarity of your Heart-Mind presence and alignment with the fire element of the Sun
- Calendula - inspires open-mindedness and trust in life's direction
- Button Cactus strengthens personal integrity; aligns with a higher order of internal authority
- Sunflower balances the energies of the solar plexus; building confidence and courage
- Water Poppy activates intuitive centres; strengthens the imagination
- Honey Myrtle uplifts, calms and aids in happiness; calms children; assists concentration and clear mental focus
- Symbol of love, royalty and power
- Inner growth and spiritual expansion
- Familial bonds of unified harmony
SCENT ~ warm citrus mandarine scents assists us in downloading the Sun Codes of Celestial Radiance.... this myst is 'sunshine in a bottle'
Notes from PureHeart Alchemy
" We ❤️ Solar Gold when the weather is cold or the clouds are grey... it literally feels like a burst of sunshine! When feeling low, or in the midst of a long winter, this Myst brings light - and the scent of summer - into our energy field. Bumble-Bee-Yum!
We ❤️ spraying this myst when our inner fire feels depleted or low. Solar Gold reconnects us directly with the energy of the Sun and is the perfect myst to rebuild willpower, strength and the Sacred Fire of our belly. "
Love, Wild Spring Water, Biodynamic Flower and Gemstone Essences, Organic Vodka, Organic Solubiliser (Coconut and Almond), Essential Oils, 24K Gold Ormus, Potentiated Crystals
Flower Essences
Water Poppy ~ Sunflower ~ Button Cactus ~ Calendula
Essential Oils
Ylang Ylang ~ Honey Myrtle ~ Blood Orange ~ Vanilla ~ Cedarwood ~ Spruce ~ Frankincense ~ Ho Wood
* NOTE: Caution should be used during pregnancy - please seek advice from your health professional before use of essential oils