Sacred Creation Pendant

Sacred Creation

  • $658.00
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  • Helps people to become more Aware
  • Tells the Universe and extra-dimensional beings you want to have contact with them
  • Contains the Master numbers 333 and 9
  • Hand Polished

Size S: 30 x 30mm

Size L: 45 x 45mm

這個符號包括 3 個等邊三角形,包含 Master Number 333 和 9 。

每個維度都有自己的特定頻率,第五維度的頻率就是 333 kHz.


Master numbers 代表不同維度與現實之間的聯繫,所以佩戴相關飾物,等如在你與不同維度之間搭建一道橋樑。

佩戴這組飾物,能協助你提高意識,加速揚升過程。利用神聖幾何飾物,等如向宇宙發出頻率,表明你願意透過 Master numbers 與宇宙合一的意圖。

The Sacred Creation logo contains beautiful sacred geometry and numerology.
So we thought it would be an awesome idea to use our Sacred Creation logo for jewelry as well. As it turns out, it looks stunning.

But what does our logo mean?
The design of our Sacred Creation logo consists of three Equilateral triangles, each with three sides. Which are tilted 18 degrees from each other.
These three triangles, together create the Master number 333 and 9.

So our logo contains the Master Number 333 and 9. But what is so special about about these numbers?
There are a few remarkable coincides with this Master number.
For example, the frequency threshold of the fifth dimension. Every dimensional density has a frequency range. The frequency threshold of the fifth dimension is 333 kHz. When our consciousness starts vibrating at this frequency, our body slowly becomes nonphysical.

For us, these Master numbers mean the connection between the different dimensions and realities. But also the bridge we build between those dimensions with our sacred geometric instruments.

What would this logo help you? 

It helps people to become more aware. Meaning we can accelerate our global ascension process.
This way we can keep doing what we love to do, our mission.
But besides that, it also gives off a sign, or a vibration to the universe.
It tells the universe and extra-dimensional beings you want to have contact with them through those Master numbers.