Sri Yantra Ring (Gold Plated/ Silver)

Sacred Creation

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  • When you master the Sri Yantra, you’ll master the science of Creation and Destruction
  • Can help to restore the balance between the Feminine and the Masculine
  • Represents the union of Masculine and Feminine Divine
  • The Symbol is over 12.000 years old
  • Hand Polished
  • Bestseller

The Sri Yantra is a symbol which is more than 12.000 years old. It contains remarkable complex sacred geometry and the golden ratio (Phi). It is also known as the mother of all yantras, the symbol of manifestation. Yantras are used for meditation, to balance both hemispheres and to gain spiritual knowledge.

For millennia the old Sages of India have used this symbol as the key to unravel the secrets of the Universe. Advait Vedanta sages say that when you master the Sri Yantra, you’ll master the science of creation and destruction.

Complex Geometry

The Sri Yantra is quite remarkable for many reasons. For example, it contains extremely complex geometry. More complex than most sacred geometrical forms. People have devoted complete studies to find out how to draw this symbol perfectly. Up to this day, it’s still not clear how to do it perfectly. But computers can come quite close to it.
The reason it’s so complex is due to the many ratio’s. It contains among others Pi, Phi and the Fibonacci Sequence.

Flower of Life

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Sri Yantra, is that it can be found all over the world in ancient excavations or temples.

For example, the proportions of the geometry are found in the pyramid of Giza, while its origin lies in India. Remarkably, it has a close connection with the Flower of Life as well. Just like the Sri Yantra, the Flower of Life is found all over the world on centuries old walls and excavations.

The Geometry of the Sri Yantra

The Sri Yantra, or also known as the Sri Chakra, consists of nine triangles. These triangles have different sizes and proportions that overlap each other. In the middle of the symbol is the power point (bindu). The bindu is visualizing the highest, the invisible, elusive center from which the entire figure and the cosmos expand.

Masculine and Feminine

The Sri Yantra represents the Goddess in her form of Shri Lalita, “the beauty of the three worlds” – Bhoo, Bhuva and Swa. (Earth, Atmosphere and Sky (heaven)). Four isosceles triangles with the apices upwards, representing Shiva or the Masculine. Five isosceles triangles with the apices downward, symbolizing female embodiment Shakti. Thus the Sri Yantra also represents the union of Masculine and Feminine Divine. Because it consists of nine triangles, it is also known as the Navayoni Chakra.

The design

We use the Sri Yantra in a fine and delicate design ring. Even the wires in the ring contain the Golden Ratio (Phi) ratio in relation to each other.

Media Coverage: Our ring was featured in the TV Series Quantico!