Positive Flow 正向之流 (小幸運水)

Positive Flow 正向之流 (小幸運水)

Living Tree Orchid Essences

  • $288.00
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**每人限購兩支(滴瓶 x 2 / 噴霧 x 2 / 滴瓶 x 1 噴霧 x 1) ,超過兩支會自動退款,如有不便,敬請見諒 ** 

此複方花精的誕生,是回應日本經銷商要求對豐盛、富裕議題上最好的協助花精,因此加入 Positive Outcome(正向成果)花精來加強積極心態,以及 Pushing Back the Night (推走黑夜)的高度往上來提升力量。

Positive Flow 複方給予我們心理觀點的轉變,配合太陽神經叢的強化,鞏固雙眉之間的"Ajna"核心,"Ajna"是我們的心智體有能力顯化與成就的核心。藉著使用這個花精,使人回想起如何「成就大事」,此花精也能有立即效果,激勵我們朝「成就大事」邁進。


備有口服滴瓶及兩款氣場噴霧 - 


氣場噴霧:100mL,以 TEK 療癒能量肌力測試揀選出搭配花精本質的精油組合




Positive Flow came into being in response to a question put by our wonderful Japanese distributor, when she asked which of the LTOE would be best for helping with Abundance. This essence combines the positive mental attitude fostered by Positive Outcome, with the high reach and power of our essence Pushing Back the Night. This combination provides one with a shift in mental outlook combined with a strengthening of the solar plexus, and an intensification of the "ajana" centre between the eyebrows. This centre is at the heart of our mental body's ability to make things manifest. So with this essence one remembers how to 'make things happen', and one is energized to do so with immediate effect.