[ 花精 FAQ ] 花精可以同時用幾種 - Saskia 的看法
Posted by Linda Lau on
大家可能聽過「六度分隔理論」(Six Degrees of Separation)吧,就是說任何兩個完全不認識的人,只需要 6 個人就能建立聯繫 – ie 你和 Elon Musk 隔不會多過 6 個人、我和木村拓哉也是。
我和木村拓哉實際上隔多少個人我不知道,但我頗肯定的是我和英王查理斯三世只隔了一個人,那個人就是 Saskia's Flower Essences 的 Saskia 本人 – 在開品牌做花精之後,Saskia 的工作是時任查理斯王子的花藝師。
替 Royal Family 工作是怎麼一回事呢?我沒有打聽過(想她也不會說太多啦),但我好喜歡跟 Saskia 通訊,她體貼、大度而務實,特別喜歡她為品牌寫的文案 – 可能大家都收過我們隨訂單送上的白色小卡,都是來自她的手筆,字數很少,但温暖到位。
想起要聊 Saskia 不是蹭熱度,是上星期看到她在 IG 寫了一篇 FAQ ,講解花精可否同時用幾種的問題 – 這個問題我也答過 (見《花精可以同時用幾種》 ),但我更喜歡她的說法,可能是我看過眾多解釋裡面最好的一個。這裡摘錄原文再翻譯給大家參考。
" Once you start thinking of essences in a similar way to starting a relationship with a human things get easier... you are in fact starting a relationship with the plant ( or plants) that you are absorbing into your body...and like all relationships they shift and change with time.
Some people can quite easily be around a table with five or six others, listen to everything they have to say with no problem at all...and then welcome more people into their space the same day...but for others this would be overwhelming and very draining or it would take several hours for them to process everything that had been communicated...and they might not want to see anyone the next day...and so it is with essences.
Although it would be easier to have hard and fast rules this isn't how essences ( or humans) work.
Like any healthy relationship, go into it gently, see how the essence blend feels and then decide how often you want to take it...like getting a new boyfriend you might want to take it often at first and then for no reason want a break, and then to start taking it again, or you might want to use it every day for several months and then suddenly forget it..or move onto another one...There is no wrong way...However if you take too many essences at once your system will get overwhelmed and you won't be able to ' hear' what the essences have to teach you.
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